Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Vice President

Jorge Soria, vice president

The role and function of the Vice President is to work closely with the president, sharing in designated administrative activities and responsibilities. The vice president is responsible for plannning and promoting Evangelism and Discipleship as well as Global Mission, ShareHim and Evangelistic Small Groups initiatives. He also overseas Evangelism Endowment Fund projects.

The Vice President is also liaison between the local conference and the North American Division for ministries not staffed within the Pacific Union office such as:

Camp Ministries
Children's Ministries
Community Services
Disability Ministries
Health Ministries

Men's Ministries
Personal Ministries
Prayer Ministries
Prison Ministries
Sabbath School
Single Adult Ministries
Volunteer Ministries
Women's Ministries
Young Adult Ministries
Youth Ministries

In this role he keeps information, programs and policies connected. Please note the table below which provides links to the various ministries in the various local conferences as well as the NAD and Pacific Union.

The Vice President oversees the following ministries which are coordinated by volunteers appointed by the Pacific Union Executive Committee to give leadership in:

About Jorge Soria

Contact: Email

Phone: 805-413-7264

High resolution photo of Jorge Soria

Vivienne Lansdown, Snr. Administrative Aassistant 

Ann Neslund, Administrative Assistant