Bradford C. Newton, executive secretary
The Secretary of the Pacific Union Conference is an administrative officer, along with the President, the Treasurer and the Vice President. The Secretary provides administrative leadership and management for departmental directors and associates.
The Executive Secretary also helps direct the work of the Executive Committee and supervises the implementation of its actions. The Secretary keeps most of the official records of the Pacific Union, such as the minutes and the index of the Pacific Union Conference Executive Committee. He also issues the appropriate credentials and licenses for Pacific Union personnel.
About Bradford C. Newton
Bradford C. Newton was elected executive secretary of the Pacific Union on March 5, 2008. Newton became executive secretary after serving as president of Nevada-Utah Conference since 2004. From 1999 to 2004 Newton served as the government relations director and associate public affairs and religious liberty director of the Pacific Union. Before assuming responsibilities in religious liberty, Newton served as the senior pastor of the Simi Valley church in Southern California and pastor of a number of congregations in the Illinois Conference. In January of 2010, he assumed the additional responsibility of Union Ministerial Director.
A native of Arcadia, California, Newton received his Bachelor of Arts degree, Master of Divinity degree and Doctor of Ministry degree from Andrews University.
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Brad Newton's blog
High Resolution Photo of Bradford C. Newton
Vivienne Lansdown, administrative assistant
Ann Neslund