Women's Ministry
Dorothy Means, coordinator
The women of the Pacific Union Conference are in my prayers and throughts today. Exciting things are happening in the work of God. My question to you is, "What part are you playing?"
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For All women in the Pacific Union come into a state of personal relationship with God and minister to others with a Christ-centered focus.
This can happen only if each woman comes under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Each woman is healed in her own heart, her mind and in her spirit. This only happens through the process of forgiveness. The women of Pacific Union can soar as eagles bringing other women to higher heights.
A Successful Women's Ministry Must Have These Ingredients
Leadership From God
Team With Your Pastor
Know Your Church and It's Needs
Have A Vision and A Sense Of Mission For Your Church
Leader Motivation and Determination
Function As A Team
Have Regular Meetings
Have Open, Honest and Consistent Communication
Establish A Budget